Sunday, October 18, 2009

Alcohol is a Fickle Mistress

Captain's log:

This weekend started off well. Went bowling, had a blast. We snuck in booze and my friend Deguchi and I split a bottle of vodka, and because of my threats to lay siege and waste to the bowling alley, I was given the affectionate moniker "Horseman of War."

Afterwards, our massive group split up. I just kinda blindly followed some people, and ended up in karaoke. The other half of the group went to an Izakaya, and I kinda wish we had gone there instead. But regardless, I ended up staying out all night because Deguchi wanted to, and we ended up bonding a good bit, so it was worth it.

The next day, I didn't really do much, but my friends managed to talk me into going clubbing with them. I pregamed, hoping this would result in less money spent. We meet up, I'm just kinda buzzed so I wanted to stop at a convenience store to get some more booze, and we do so. I buy a small thing of whiskey and a bottle of coke, down both, and we head to the club.

The club was cool, and played really good techno and trance. Here I decide it's a good idea to get 3 more drinks. This is when the fates turn on me. All of that alcohol catches up to me, and gives me a swift Kenyan-track-runner-esque kick in the balls. I blacked out. I remember walking onto the dance floor, then a bouncer coming up and escorting me out of the club because I apparently fell down some stairs and accidentally put a hole in a wall. So I'm put outside where I black out again, and when my memory returns I have my bag and my friends and I are leaving. A mcgriddle and some water later and I'm feeling ok.

I'm amazed I wasn't banned from the club. This is good, cause I want to go back. I think I'll give it about a month for them to forget me before heading back though.

I know everyone's a little more proud of me after this story. As far as I'm concerned none of it happened because I don't remember it, and my body doesn't hurt at all. So I guess ignore what you just read.

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